Friday, May 3, 2024

Recent Antique Mall Doll Sightings!


Hi Doll Friends!

I started this draft over a month ago but just haven't gotten back to finish it until now. We went to a local 'antique mall' and I wanted to show you the dolls and doll-related items I saw there. These first three photos are of porcelain dolls, not normally my thing, but they were too pretty not to snap a photo of. 

Then I found an entire doll room! It was so much fun to look at. Mostly there were 'reborn' baby dolls. Again, not my thing but I can admire the artistry involved in creating them. 

A couple more porcelain dolls I saw and thought were pretty. 

This was fun to see, a Daisy Kingdom doll. I had one once in my collection once upon a time but she got re-homed in a doll purge at some point or other. 

This doll couch was very tempting but ultimately I left it there for another lucky doll collector to find. 

Not dolls but I loved this rabbit and bear (above).

I love love loved this Pac-Man arcade game! If I had endless money and space I'd have certainly brought that home!

Then there was another booth that had mostly dolls... I'd never seen the Hello Kitty Doll before, so cute!

A pretty Belle Disney ily Doll. I've resisted the urge to buy one of these several times. I love them but I just have so many dolls already!

Love Kit!

Then I saw Kaya and was so tempted to get her because I don't have one but... I resisted. I have so many dolls and they just sit and collect dust nowadays so I left her for someone else to find. 

Loved seeing the cute jeans on this one (above). My daughter got that pair of jeans for her 18-inch dolls back when she played with them so it was fun to see. I still own them... Not sure which doll they are on right now or if they are in the 'pants bin' but I love them. 

That's it for now... Gotta run!


Friday, March 22, 2024

Brinn's Vintage Clown Dolls and Thrift Store Sightings


Hi Doll Friends!

Long time no write! I think probably the longest break I've taken between posts since I started my blog in earnest nearly ten years ago. Life just seems to get busier and busier and I have been pulled into my other hobby of card making when I have time to hobby at all. I've been very busy leading several LifeGroups or studies at church and just doing life. 

A few months ago, I found these clown dolls and I bought them for my daughter because she collects clown dolls. I was able to get them for 75% off and so paid only $2.50 for each of them.
 She loved them. 

Then at the same thrift store I saw the American Girl Doll Horse Carriage. It was huge!! Once upon a time I might have tried to buy it but I really don't have anywere to store that sort of thing. Still, it was neat to see it. The rest of the photos are other doll items I've spotted out and about when I've had the chance to visit thrift stores. It was really fun to see the Daisy Kingdom doll (The very bottom photo). I had one many moons ago but gave it away at one point or another. The one I had had a different face sculpt but it was released at the same time. 

Anyway, just had a moment here so I have to run!
Don't forget, enjoy your dolls! I know I haven't written much in a while but I will always always always love dolls!


Thursday, January 11, 2024

My Childhood Fisher Price Doll House! Thrift Store Sightings!


Hi Doll Friends!

So I was on the Facebook the other day and what should pop up in my feed? A Poshmark ad for...

  *drum roll*

The exact same doll house I got  in 1982 for Christmas & my Birthday when I was 10 years old! 
I say for my birthday and Christmas is because it was pretty expensive (for the time) and since I wanted it so badly my mother said I could have it if it counted as both. It was made by Fisher Price and had actual working lights! I loved it. Here is a post about it from This Old Toy Blog. Rather than plunking down the $75 the Poshmark seller wanted for it, instead I just screenshot the photos they had in the ad so I could come show you here. 
Isn't it so cool! I loved the balcony and the way it had a bay window... I got nearly every item of furniture they made for it at the time. So it was so neat to see it again. 

The other day at the thrift store I happened to see the two Glitter Girls in the photos below... It was all I could do to leave Tippi, who was was still in the box, there. But I did. I have too many dolls so I decided to leave it there for some other person to buy. She had lavender eyes...!! Or that is how they looked in the store. She's described as having brown eyes on the Glitter Girls website so I suspect they'd 'turned' that color. In hindsight I wish I'd have taken a more close up photo but I was fighting the temptation to buy her and had to snap a photo and walk away! Hahaha! 

Did you have a doll house when you were young? Do you have one now? 

Better run! 